BTS 10/4/24 Part 2

This is a continuation of the 10/4/2024 Behind the Scenes email.
So thank you to those who took the survey. I'm very curious to see if what I think is the reason why people purchase is what people say. Hopefully for those who have more complex or nuanced reasons, you were able to take one of the comment opportunities to go into more detail.
The most important thing that I think makes people buy...
Is that its cool.
I think most people wouldn't feel comfortable saying that to someone though. So the other factors are perhaps what we tell ourself was the reason we purchased.
I actually think most of what we buy are things we think are cool, and then good marketing helps give us the reasons that we can tell our friends/spouse/parent so that we don't have to tell them the real reason. I, however, think that "just because I thought it was cool" is an exceptionally good reason to buy something.
So much of our lives and purchases are built around the necessary. We spend so much time working on things and interacting with things that are not cool, that when there are things that are cool in themselves (or make our work cool) it's a huge boost for our quality of life.
I love my Pocket Cut leather cover because I feel like Indiana Jones searching for the Holy Grail every time I pull it out of my pocket. Beyond the practical value, the emotional value of that is enormous. When I hold my Leather Folder with my pages of notes in it, I feel like the President who has the important piece of legislation, or a spy with a dossier of a rival. That little bit of imaginative storytelling creates so much joy and magic in my life.
We should not discount "cool" as a good reason to buy things. "Cool" is a little bit of color in an otherwise monochromatic routine.
That's why I've been making journals since high school, and why I started this company in the first place. Because a leather journal is so much more than just a leather journal.
Stay tuned for more letters on Thursdays or Fridays in the coming weeks and be sure to go subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you like and watch the videos it helps us get promoted more by the algorithm to people who may never have heard of us.
Ever your servant,
Colin MurdyCEO/Owner
Murdy Creative Co.
Cell: 414-434-9001
Binders | Journals | Folios | Sleeves | Folders | Briefcases | Covers | Accessories