In all cultures, Spring is the time of renewal and rebirth. The flowers are blooming, the grass is becoming green, and baby animals have begun to emerge. It’s easy to be filled with hope in a time where there is so much evidence of life any way you turn. How much more so does this run true for those who celebrate Easter; this is the time of rebirth and renewal- the promise of eternal life through a savior who gave himself for the world.
In a time of never ending anxiety, this is a time to reflect on what is guaranteed and the promise for a better future beyond all that we have here. After all, how much easier is it to wade through hardships knowing that in the end, there is peace for you and your loved ones- to have a purpose for a world that seems far too chaotic to possibly have one.
I’ve found, regardless of faith and belief, there is a genuine comfort to be found in the hope of a better future- to have the reminder that regardless of how brief a life may feel, that just like the first flowers of the season, life will return just as sweet and precious as it had been before.