Journaling in Nature

Journaling in Nature
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- Weekly Writing Tips - Journaling in Nature - Pictured: Wooden path through a forest.

As the days grow longer and the seasons become warmer, it’s natural to find yourself longing for the adventure of the outdoors. School is beginning to wrap up for the year and it’s important to find something to keep your kids occupied and engaged for the long summer break lest they turn their unfocused energy on terrorizing your house. Pair the two together and it’s easy to find yourself scrambling to find things to do that both keep your entire family interested while taking advantage of the beautiful weather.

An easy and often local solution is blazing the trails around your home. Most states are full of parks and paths for families to enjoy and what better way to help your kids slow down and enjoy the peace of nature than to show them how to journal about it. It’s an activity that has benefits for any age and any level of outdoorsing.

What to bring with you:

• Your journal

• Two pens or pencils (never hurts to have a spare)

How to find a good journaling spot:

• Find a nice clearing where you relax- this can also double as a nice spot to have a lunch or snack break

• If inspiration hits you at a beautiful vista or quiet meadow- take it!

Make sure there isn’t any poison ivy or other irritable plants where you choose to stop and journal

How to start:

• Take a few calming breaths to settle into a mindful headspace

• Look around and take note of what you see

Let all distractions fade away so you can focus on being in the here and now


What to journal about:

• Interesting things you came across on your hike

• Introspective moments you may have had about problems in your life

How being in nature makes you feel and how that may have changed while you walked

The very action of journaling our innermost thoughts is shown to be very calming, relaxing and rewarding- even more so when in the peace of the outdoors. Not only does it help you remember the time you have spent in nature, but in doing so will also allow you to feel more connected to your world around you as well as yourself.

Now Try This Writing Promp
Writing Prompt:

When you have a spare hour or so, go on a walk and pick one or more of the prompts to journal about while you’re out.

Writing Prompt:
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Authors: Colin Murdy & Anna Ratzburg

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