Poems for Spring

Poems For Spring
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- Weekly Writing Tips - Poems for Spring (Pictured: Spring flowers and soft sunlight.)
Now that the days are growing longer and life seems to bloom around us, we can assuredly say Spring is finally here. (Even if the temperatures don’t always seem to agree). Seen as a time of Change and rebirth, the poetry written on this season has been a never ending muse for writers over the centuries. From Shakespeare to E E Cummings and hundreds of writers in between and beyond, the hope that spring brings with it paints a candid portrait of each writer’s inner thoughts of the season.

I heard a thousand blended notes,

While in a grove I sate reclined,

In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts

Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

― William Wordsworth, Lines Written in Early Spring

Ever-returning spring,
trinity sure to me you bring,

Lilac blooming perennial and
drooping star in the west,

And thought of him I love.

― Walt Whitman, When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom'd

There is no time like Spring,

When life’s alive in everything,

― Christina Rossetti, Spring

Now Try This Writing Promp
Writing Prompt:

Look out your window and write a poem
on how Spring looks where you live.
What feelings does it fill you with?

Writing Prompt:
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Authors: Colin Murdy & Anna Ratzburg

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